Mending Together Workshop – Mend on the Move

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Mending Together Workshop

September 28, 2019     9:30 am - 1:00 pm 

Woodside Bible, Troy Campus



Join Mend on the Move and Unshackled Ministry on September 28, 2019 from 9:30 am - 1:00 pm, for a day of community and healing for abuse survivors and their caregivers.

Our women's workshop creates a safe place for abuse survivors to find healing and community through break out sessions and keynote speaker, Trinea Gonczar, a Larry Nassar survivor.

The workshop is also for the caregivers of abuse survivors; those who want to support their loved one, find resources and seeking community and education.

Each attendee will choose 2 break out sessions:

Break Out Session #1

  • What does Healthy Intimacy look like? -- Jennifer Dulchavsky, New You Counseling

  • Trauma and Changes in the brain -- Hannah McPeak, Hope Against Trafficking

  • Freedom through Forgiveness -- Joanne Ewald, founder of Mend on the Move

Break Out Session #2

  • Self Care -- Kristyn Weinert, Wayne County Safe

  • Where was God? -- Pastor Kevin Butcher & Chrissy Hemphill


Time Line

9:30 am- Check in, continental breakfast

10 am - 10:45 - Break out Session #1

11 am - 11:45 - Break out session #2

12 -1 pm - Lunch, Keynote Speaker


9:30 -1 pm On Site Counselors available


Keynote Speaker, Trinea Gonczar

Trinea Gonczar is a survivor and advocate for victims of sexual abuse and all who are impacted as a result. She is a former gymnast from Lansing, Michigan, and co-founded Survivor Strong after her experience as a survivor of one of the country’s largest sexual assault cases. She was featured in the HBO documentary "At the Heart of Gold:Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal". Trinea currently serves as the director of development at Wayne County SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners program) in Detroit, Michigan.

Trinea is on Michigan State University’s Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Advisory Board and served as a co-curator for the Finding Our Voice exhibit at the Michigan State University Museum. Trinea speaks nationally about her experience and has received numerous accolades, including ESPN’s 2018 Arthur Ashe Courage Award, the Humanitarian Award from the Foundation for Global Sports Development, and the Humura award from the EDJA Foundation. She has a bachelor’s degree from Columbia College Chicago.




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